Quickworm 🐛

April 16, 2023 - 1 minute read

I've always been a fan of self-help books, but I must admit, I'm the type of person who purchases books, doesn't read them, and instead watches their summaries on YouTube.

So, when I began building random projects to learn SwiftUI, ChatGPT entered the picture. This inspired me to create an app that provides book insights, similar to Blinkist but without any cost.

Quickworm is a very simple app, featuring just two screens: one for entering the book title and another for displaying the summary. It relies on OpenAI to generate these concise book overviews.

I decided to focus primarily on the summarization aspect in order to establish a strong brand identity. However, I'm also considering additional features, such as book recommendations, for future updates. My hope is that Quickworm will gradually attract a loyal user base over time.


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