Michie Ang
Michie Ang
Roaming around at dubdub.Space 😊

[dubdub space] New Feature: Curated Events List

April 6, 2023 - 1 minute read

Introducing our Event Lists feature - https://dubdub.space/events

Did you know that there are 13 community events/activities that will be happening worldwide for the Apple App Developer Community just this April alone?

Yes, in-person events are back! Isn't that exciting? The more events happening for the community, the more fun it is.

One of the challenges right now is just keeping track of all the events happening. That's why we added an Event List feature to make our lives easier.

Why attend meetups, conferences or join an activity?

Attending events is a great way to meet new people from the community. You can

  • learn from others
  • share your learnings or projects and get feedback
  • meet a new friend, potential teammate, client, employer, and more

To sum it up, it can help you grow as a developer.

If you are looking for an event or activity, you can check them all out here.

If you are hosting an event that you think would be relevant for the community, send us a message at hi@dubdub.space.

Hope you like this feature! 😊

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