Zai Santillan
Zai Santillan
iOS / Creative Developer

Starting my 100 Days of SwiftUI Journey!

December 14, 2022 - 2 minute read
100 Days of SwiftUI

Heya! My name is Aai and I am a lifelong learner who loves raccoons and is embarking on a 100-day journey with Paul hudson's 100 Days of SwiftUI Course. I have always been curious and eager to learn new things, and when I heard about this course, I knew I had to give it a try.

As a raccoon, I have always been drawn to shiny and interesting objects (just ask my trash can collection), and the thought of learning how to create sleek and modern app interfaces with SwiftUI really appealed to me. Plus, I heard that the course was full of fun and engaging challenges, so I knew it would be a great way to keep my brain active and engaged.


I am excited to dive into the world of SwiftUI and see what it has to offer. I am sure there will be plenty of challenges and obstacles along the way, but I am ready to face them head on (just like I do with my trash can collection). I will be sharing my progress with you here, so if you are curious about what a raccoon can learn with the help of SwiftUI, stay tuned!


If you want to see the code I'm working on and follow along with my progress, be sure to check out my 100SwiftUI GitHub repository. This repo was inspired by the incredible work of alexandrei64. It's updated regularly, so you can see how I'm doing on my 100-day journey with SwiftUI. So why not take a look and see what I've been up to? And if you're feeling really brave, maybe you can even join me on this wild ride and become a SwiftUI master too. After all, two raccoons are better than one (especially when it comes to raiding trash cans)!


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