Philipp Steiner
Philipp Steiner
14yo Student from Germany just learning SwiftUI. I love coding and watersports

Finished Day 29 of 100DaysSwiftUI

May 30, 2023 - 1 minute read

Hello World,

this is my first post here. I used to share my progress on reddit but I think this is a much better place. I am a bit scared of anything that contains NS in its name. First of all, as a German this abbreviation will always mean something different in my head first. Second of all NeXT was closed twice as long ago as I am alive. That's a weird feeling dealing with such "old" code. I hope I will get used to it one day.

Today I learned about loading resources in my app, what lists are and a bit more about strings. I understood the basics but saying I could explain it to someone else would be a lie.

That is the code I copied wrote today. A screenshot of today's code

I can't wait for WWDC on Monday,


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