Michie Ang
Michie Ang
Roaming around at dubdub.Space 😊

Welcome to dubdub space!

June 13, 2022 - 1 minute read


Welcome to dubdub space! A space for us, Apple App Developers, to share about our learnings and journeys.

I've decided to provide a platform specifically for us, Apple App Developers, so that we can share and grow together in our career. Unlike other writing platforms, topics are focused on Apple app development and our journey as developers. It can be our learning experience thru our daily work or tinkering on the announcements in dubdub. It can also be announcing our app launches, progress reports or sharing our success to the community. Hope this can help you in your dev journey and inspire others to pursue this path.

Just to give a quick overview, there are two of the main feature for this platform:


Where you can write about your learnings and share it with community.


Where you share your progress to the community.

This is just the start. I do hope this platform can help in you in your career as a developer and at the same time, help others as well thru your journey. Thanks and happy writing! πŸ“

PS. Any feedback, suggestion, or bug report is greatly appreciated. πŸ™

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