Michie Ang
Michie Ang
Roaming around at dubdub.Space 😊

[WWDCCommunity Week 2023] Open Space in Cupertino Call for Interest

April 2, 2023 - 3 minute read

Hi! I’m Michie. I have organized WWDCWatchParty (2020), WWDCCommunity (2021-2022) because I wanted to bring one of the biggest magic of in-person WWDC to my fellow developers online which was the community and the people you meet along the way at the conference.

I have met so many amazing kind hearted people in the online community. A lot of people were able to build connections that change the trajectory of their career and the events helped them cope during the pandemic. It was definitely a surreal experience and I was happy to know that I’ve done something worth it for the community. I’m grateful for all the volunteers, speakers, devs who decided to get out of their shell to step up, speak for the first time or lead an activity, sponsors and YOU for making the WWDCCommunity Week possible. Thank you for everything that you did for the community.

This year, I will fly to Cupertino to attend different WWDC-related community events and the one in Apple Park if I luckily get a ticket.

However, one thing I’ve been wondering about is even if I’m there I might still end up watching videos online on my own since there's no dedicated event/venue when WWDC activities are happening during the week. That brought me to an idea of organizing an Open Space (from June 5-9) to watch videos, do activities together, share what we are doing, build something amazing for everyone attending WWDC week in Cupertino, and perhaps possibly an in-person community hackathon. 😉

It definitely sounds exciting to me but I want to check with the community if it’s something you are going to look forward too and participate. This also helps me estimate the logistics I would need to pull this off.

If you’re like me, who resides outside the US, and plans to visit Cupertino for the one day event, I guess it will not be one day anymore, because you can be surrounded by like-minded developers all week at the Open Space and of course the amazing events organized by the community (CoreCoffee Meetups by Malin & Kai, iOSDevHappyHour, Pre-WWDC drinks by Jordi Bruin).

If you want to join us for the in-person Open Space in Cupertino/SF, sign up for your interest here and i’ll try to update you soon about the progress.

If you want to sponsor or be a venue host for the Open Space or Hackathon, you can reach out to me here.

I’m definitely excited to meet you (or see you) again in person.

Thank you and #nosleeptilldubdub

Note: Other activities of WWDCCommunity happening online and outside the US will still be happening simultaneously. I have to set this up first, but will give more info soon. Send me a message here if you would like to host an event or activity in your city during WWDC week.

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